Owner/Director of Medical Services,
Medical Clinic & Research Institute
Client is a highly accomplished physician, researcher, and industry visionary who is shifting from medical director role to leading a rapidly growing team of medical providers, holistic caregivers and administrators across multiple clinics. At the same time he is building the clinic's "brand", the client and navigating a myriad of external forces, including business partners, governmental bodies, and his obligations as an industry spokesperson and thought leader.
During a six-month engagement, I worked with the client to help identify priorities and create structure and boundaries around an increasingly unmanageable workload and unsustainable work/life balance. 360 feedback helped clarify the way the client was being perceived versus his intentions.
New insights into how his behavior was impacting morale led to programs to empower departmental leaders and new guidelines around workflow and staff interaction. Clarity was created around clinic-focussed responsibilities and face-of-the-industry roles, which led to clearer communication throughout the organization around when the client should and should not be engaged with operational and patient-facing issues.
The clinic expansion continues at a record pace with the client receiving on-going feedback about how to maintain momentum from his enthusiastic and supportive partners, medical providers, staff, and patients.
Senior HR Executive,
Engineering & Technical Services
The client had a long and very successful career across multiple industries as a senior human resources leader and executive search consultant. In his mid 60's, he is entering the twilight of his chosen career path and seeking guidance as he pondered retirement and the next chapter. Because his life was largely centered around his work identity, he was not particularly excited at the prospect of retirement and was finding himself increasingly agitated and concerned about how he would spend his days, and questioning his life's purpose.
I worked with the client to reframe potential opportunities ahead, helping him develop a "pro-tirement" strategy that would be both engaging and rewarding. An eager learner and sports enthusiast with a great sense of humor, the client shifted from asking, "How will I spend my days?" to "Now I have the chance to pursue my real passions."
Through a series of self-discovery exercises, his self awareness and excitement about future possibilities grew. During the course of our work together, the client went from a very narrow definition of volunteer work within the talent management space, to tapping into his own talents -- enrolling in stand-up comedy courses and hitting the road in a tour bus that followed his favorite minor league baseball team across country.
Moreover, our work culminated with his reigniting connections with important family members, and gaining renewed excitement for life, that leveraged both his professional and personal passions.

Software Company
This millennial entrepreneur rose through the ranks to become the CFO of a rapidly growing software company after a successfully launching, growing and selling his startup company several years prior. As a salaried employee and officer of the company, he was not in alignment with the COO and CEO around several key ethical, risk, and compliance issues. He was having trouble finding his voice, avoided confrontation regularly, and had lost passion for his job.
Through coaching, the client quickly began to recognize that he was stuck, and needed to make a purposeful change. We developed an action plan that worked on multiple levels: Rebuilding the client’s confidence, giving a voice to his values, creating a healthy dialogue with his management team, and developing a transition plan that allowed him to explore rewarding opportunities outside of the organization.
The client returned to his entrepreneurial roots with partners he trusts, communicates openly and honestly, and shares a singular vision of how to grow the new company.
Registered Dietician
Large Healthcare Organization
The client had reached a plateau in her career and was eager to find another position within her organization that allowed her to flourish in her chosen field.
Although she had only stellar reviews and promotions that had led her to her current position, she had concerns about assertively going after the jobs she wanted.
Over a six-month period we worked to broaden the opportunities available, by increasing self confidence, clarifying what the ideal new position may look like, growing her visibility inside and outside of the organization, and assembling a team of co-workers and supervisors to promote her.
The client uncovered her key strengths and used them in the interview process to land a more senior role, more closely aligned with her professional goals and desired lifestyle.

Team Coaching:
Advertising & Design Agency
After a year of high turnover and a missed revenue forecast, the leader of a multinational advertising agency was looking to jumpstart business development and re-engage his management team around key objectives and a greater sense of teamwork.
A three-day workshop was created to build an environment that encouraged trust, collaboration and accountability. Through a series of interactive exercises, the group shared their Gallup StrengthsFinder results to create more understanding around the different approaches that each team member brought to the table, fostering a more appreciative understanding of their complementary skills.
Discussions were conducted about the company growth targets and specific Action Plans were created by each participant to create individual and shared accountability.
Whereas previous annual meetings left the team with a false sense of harmony and unclear responsibilities for next steps, the management team left this workshop with measurable goals, a greater commitment to teamwork, and a feeling of trust and appreciation of each other's capabilities and commitment.