Over the years I’ve worn a couple of hats.
As an agency president and branding consultant in New York and Los Angeles, I worked for many multinational clients and renown brands. We used a proven process for building brand identities to ensure consistent messaging across a range of consumer touch points. We called the process, building Brand Muscles.
After I went back to school to get my coaching certification, I worked hard to keep my brand consultancy distinctly separate from my executive coaching practice.
Brand consulting is about telling clients what they ought to do -- providing solutions and creating deliverables. Executive coaching is about holding space for the client to solve their own problems – listening intently, asking good questions, and trusting the process.
Often coaching clients talk to me about creating their own “personal brands”. Initially, I shied away from the term. I always viewed “brands” as something executives create in a conference room to promote products, services and companies. People don’t need to be fabricated for consumer consumption.
Over time, I’ve evolved my thinking and have become very aware of how these two seemingly disparate disciplines can work together.
Using the brand development framework of Brand Muscles, I invite clients to explore how they can be flexible and effective in the way they think about and present themselves.
Borrowing from the corporate model, coaching clients can carefully consider how they want to uniquely craft their brand identities from four different perspectives:
Brand – What are your mission, vision and values?
Target – With whom do you want to connect and resonate?
Competition – Who do you admire and aspire to outshine?
Context – How are you evolving your sense of self to meet the needs of a changing world?